Hanley Plaza in Tampa, FL is home to a variety of retail establishments, including a supermarket, automotive store, medical office, and spa and beauty service providers. When it comes to the best security cameras for business in Tampa, Hanley Plaza owners turned to Surveillance Technology, Inc. (STI) for a two part installation. The owners engaged Surveillance Technology, Inc. (STI) for a two part installation. Initially, STI installed an 8 channel H.265 4K DVR to support five bullet style 4K cameras offering 24/7 color technology, which captures color footage even in night vision mode. Additional commercial outdoor security cameras provide broad views of the front parking area, rear storage and employee entrances, and a courtyard with bulk waste collection containers.
During Surveillance Technology’s second visit, another 4 channel H.265 4K DVR was added to support four more 24/7 color cameras with 3.6MM fixed lenses covering the front parking lot and rear of the property. These cameras are connected directly to the 4K DVR recorder to ensure the footage is first stored securely on the DVR, then that recording is sent to the original equipment package over a high speed wireless bridge connecting the buildings. STI has chosen this approach to avoid reliance on wireless service for recording. Sending camera data to a DVR via wireless internet before recording would risk losing the footage before it’s recorded. The wireless bridge is just one way Hanley Plaza owners, tenants, and shoppers benefit from Surveillance Technology’s experience.